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Book Launch Subsidy Fund

In order to encourage eligible authors of NCKU Press to hold book launch, NCKU Press will subsidy the book launch. The details are as follows: 

1.    NCKU Press provides publication subsidies for eligible authors whose work has been accepted by NCKU Press. 
2.    Each publication will only be subsidized once, and the maximum amount for any one subsidy is 10,000 NT dollars.
  The reimbursement basis is based on actual expenditure. 
3.    Application should be submitted two weeks earlier. Fill in the “Application Form of Book Launch Subsidy” with
  signature and then mail the scanned file to nckupress@ckmail.ncku.edu.tw
4.    Subsidized book launch should state NCKU Press as the collaboration and show the logo of NCKU Press on
  promotion posters. 
5.    Final report and receipts should be handed in to NCKU Press within two weeks after the book launch.

Please check “Application for Book Launch Subsidy” for more details and please contact us if you have any questions.


📂 Application for Book Launch Subsidy