The First Editorial Board(2020.9.16-2022.9.15)

The First Editorial Board
Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NCKU
Editorial Board Member
Chang-Kuan Lin, Associate Professor, Department of History, NCKU
Nai-Ying Ko, Distinguished Professor, Department of Nursing, NCKU
Tiffany Hsu, Associate Professor, Institute of Physical Education, Health and Leisure Studies, NCKU
I-Ling Chang, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NCKU (Until September 30, 2021 )
Wan-Ru Chen, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, NCKU (Since October 1, 2021)
Wen-Ching Lien, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, NCKU
Hsien-Hsin Tseng, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, NCKU
Hao-Jen Huang, Distinguished Professor, Department of Life Science, NCKU
Cheng-Ta Yang, Professor, Department of Psychology, NCKU
Wen-Yu Su, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NCKU
Min-Yi Su, Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, NCKU
Sari Kayoko Ishii, Professor, College of Sociology, Rikkyo University, Japan
Susan Broomhall, Professor, History at the Faculty of Arts, The University of Western Australia, Australia
Yi-Chun Tricia Lin, Professor, Women's & Gender Studies, Southern Connecticut State University, USA